(Under the Management of Shanti-Alya Trust)

Village & P.O. Rampur Keonthal, Tehsil & Distt. Shimla Himachal Pradesh (India)-171011

Rules and Regulations:


            The candidate must go through the rules and regulations of the college, given as under ;


1.       rules related to fee, fine & penalties


(i)         Every student must pay the dues on the date notified from time to time.

(ii)        Failure to pay dues on due date will entail a fine of Rs. 10/- per day.

(iii)       In case of non payment of dues for long time, the name will be struck off from the college roll.

(iv)       Rs. 5/- shall be charged from absentee for one class/practical  with out written information to the Principal.

(v)        Rs. 50/- per paper will be entailed from absentee of house test.

(vi)       Fine for  not  returning  library  books  &  on due date at the rate of five rupees for first three days beyond which double of the standing amount  will be chargeable per day.

(vii)      The name of student shall be struck off  from the college if she  remains absent without leave for 10 days or more. Re-admission fee is Rs. 110/- .


2.       rules of discipline


(i)         Being a prospective teacher one needs to follow the principles of self-discipline, respect yourself, respect fellow beings and the college staff.

(ii)        Keep aloof from active politics in the college campus.

(iii)       The student shall give in writing an undertaking to follow all rules and regulations of the college, at the time of admission.

(iv)       Any act of ragging in the campus or in the hostel will be severely dealt with and the Principal of the college shall expel the guilty students from the college (Ragging includes any type of physical or mental torture done by any individual or group either directly or indirectly.)

(v)        Ragging is banned in the institution and anyone indulging in ragging is likely  to be punished  appropriately  which  punishment  include imprisonment, fine  or both, expulsion from the institution, suspension from the institution or classes  for a limited period or fine with a public apology. The  punishment  may  also take the shape of withholding scholarships or other benefits, debasing from representation in events and withholding of results and suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess and the like.

(vi)       For this purpose an antiragging squad has been constituted by the college. The  name of the faculties incharge of the squad is given below;

             - Dr. Anita Pathania

             - Mr. Naveen Chauhan


(vii)      In case of any such ragging activity the students are advised to contact directly with the following officials;

1)         Vice-chancellor, H.P. University                     Ph. No. 0177-2831363

2)         Registrar, H.P. University                                Ph. No. 0177-2830912

3)         Mr. Rajeev Sharma (Trustee)                         Ph. No. 94181-52322

4)         Dr. Rakhi Kapoor((Principal)                          Ph. No. 94180-16768         

(viii)     Every student should carry her identity card, issued to the students after admission. It should be shown/produced on demand by the authorities of the college.

(ix)       The acts mentioned under are supposed as the acts of misconduct and indiscipline and will be punished with either fine or suspension/expulsion or both.

a)         Writing obscenities/dirty words on the black boards, walls or furniture.

b)         Smoking, taking drugs/alcohol and tobacco and spitting etc. in the college campus.

c)         Bringing outsiders/miscreants/anti-social elements to the campus.

d)         Misbehaving with teachers and others.

e)         Any destructive activity or misconduct with the members of schools adopted during 

             teaching practice.

(x)        The students are advised to keep their mobile phones switched off inside the 




3.       rules related to leave


(i)        Leave for the absence from the college shall be applied for and obtained in advance except in emergency in that case the leave application may  be sent within two days of

           student’s return to the college.

(ii)       Leave on account of sickness must be accompanied by certificate of Registered Medical Practioner.

                        (iii)      Leave during house examination will be sanctioned by the Principal.                                    

                         (iv)      If the student remains absent for more than ten consecutive days without leave then the principal reserves the right to struck off the name of student from the college roll or 

                                    can impose penalty.




                        4.       library rules


(i)         Any number of books may be drawn by a student for reading in the library during specified hours.

(ii)        Books borrowed by all persons can be retained for 14 days including the day of issue.

(iii)       The books borrowed must be returned on the due date otherwise an overdue of fine of 5.00 Rupees for first three days beyond which double of the standing amount will be chargeable per day.

(iv)       If a student fails to pay fine which is due to be paid, he/she will not be allowed for further issue of books unless and until the fine is remitted.

(v)        A book, can however, be got re-issued with the special permission of the  Librarian if it is not already in demand.

(vi)       Periodicals, directories, dictionaries and special reference books shall not  be issued to any member for reading at home. These will be available for study in the library only.

(vii)      The books must be handled carefully.

(viii)       In case any library book is lost the borrower shall be required to replace the latest edition of the lost book or to pay double its price.

(ix)        No outsider should be accompanied into library.

(x)         Any book issued to a member may be recalled in case it is urgently demanded or for any other reason.

(xi)      students are advised to keep perfect silence in the library.

(xii)      If any student tears off/damages the barcode slip, he/she will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 100/- per book.

(xiii)       No one is allowed to put any mark on the Library books.

(xiv)      No one can use Mobile Phone inside Library.  



5.       hostel rules


          Hostel Charges will be Rs. 12000/- for complete session (Bed, Table, Chair will be provided), & Food Charges, Electricity, and other charges will be extra.


(i)         Students will be required to apply at the time of admission for hostel facility. Accommodation in hostel will be for 50 girls only and will be allotted on first come first serve basis.

(ii)        The boarders will not be allowed to stay out after 7.30 p.m.  

(iii)       The boarder will have to get leave sanctioned from the warden or Principal. The warden will grant leave upto three days and for more than three days the approval of Principal is required.

(iv)       No outsider will be allowed to stay in the hostel premises.

(v)        Boarders will be required to pay hostel dues in advance.

(vi)       After the university examination the boarder will have to vacate the rooms.

(vii)      All other rules framed by the Principal will be applicable.

(viii)     Residents should not keep cash or Jewellery or other valuable things in their rooms. The responsibility of safety of the belongings will be entirely of the residents.

(ix)       Every resident shall be responsible for the safety of the furniture/other articles given to her.

(x)        Acts of indiscipline and misbehaviour in the Hostel shall be severely dealt with.

(xi)       use of any kind of intoxicant is strictly prohibited.

(xii)      Before leaving the hostel, every resident shall obtain clearance from the warden and personally handover the charges of the rooms to the warden.

(xiii)     A boarder may be expelled from the Hostel if she stays away from the hostel without permission of the Principal/Warden is found guilty of misconduct.

(xiv)      No student is allowed to take law into her own hands.

(xv)       Shouting, hooting, violent,  knocking or any other act, movement or behaviour  that is likely to cause disturbance is strictly prohibited.

(xvi)      All cases of sickness should be immediately reported to the Hostel Warden.

(xvii)     Meals are served at fixed hours. Late comers will not be served any food.

(xviii)    Students mess committees to meet at least once a month.

(xix)      If mess charges are not paid by the 7th of every month, meals may not be served.

(xx)       All the residents should be present in the hostel after the college hours.  




Note : The Principal has the full authority to change the rules and regulations from time to time.